Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



Occurred at 4:12 PM (7/5) – Boylston St./Hammond St.

A driver and her passenger reported a threat which had occurred to them while driving on Boylston. The driver stated she was traveling in the left lane when a vehicle came up close behind her and kept trying to pass her in the right lane. After coming up next to her, the driver of the other vehicle began shouting and yelling, and at a stop light got out of his car and continued to verbally assault them. Police officers began investigating after following up on the license plate number the victims were able to provide.


Occurred at 9:12 PM (7/5) – Beacon St./Summit Ave.

Officers responded to a report of breaking and entering in the area. The victims left their residence at 8 AM and returned at 5:30 PM and did not notice anything wrong at first, as their dead bolt was still secured. They then noticed several expensive items missing. The scene was processed and officers are continuing their investigation.

Occurred at 8:56 PM (7/5) – Beacon St./Washington St.

Officers responded to a report of breaking and entering in the area. The victim had been away from his apartment from 7/1, and returned yesterday evening to discover the apartment broken into and several items in disarray. Several expensive items were reported missing, and the suspect had gained access by using tools to pry the front door open. Other residents of the building reported seeing a large package outside the victim’s door on Saturday morning, and this package was found inside his apartment. The scene was processed and officers are continuing their investigation.

Occurred at 3:39 PM (7/5) – Thorndike St.

A bicycle was reported stolen sometime between 5:00 PM on 7/4 and 8:00 AM on 7/5 from the foyer of the victim’s residence. The bike was described as a GT Timberline All Terra Mountain Bike.


Occurred at 7:45 PM (7/5) – Pleasant St./Commonwealth Ave.

Several units were dispatched to the area for a 2-alarm kitchen fire. The cause of the fire was thought to be due to combustibles being too close to the flame from the stove. There were no reported injuries.

MV Accident:

Occurred at 2:26 PM (7/5) – Aspinwall Ave.

Officers responded to a motor vehicle crash on Aspinwall Ave. One of the drivers was occupied with his GPS system and failed to stop at the red light, causing damage to the other driver’s side door. The first driver was issued a citation for a red light violation.

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