Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Thursday, June 22, 2017



12:45 pm: Officers were dispatched Coolidge Corner for a shoplifter who had just left a business on Harvard Street. An officer noticed a female matching the description of the subject and approached her advising her on why he was present. Although the subject denied that she had stolen property in her possession, various clothing items with their retail price tags were found in her bags and a sale receipt was not present. While this officer spoke to the subject, another officer spoke to a store employee. She explained that the subject had entered the store at approximately 12:10 pm. The employee observed the subject conceal various items in her bag. As the subject went to leave, the employee attempted to approach her, but she exited the store. This employee then participated in a Show-Up Identification during which she identified the individual officers were speaking with as the shoplifter. The subject was placed under arrest for Larceny of $250.00, Furnishing False Name during the Booking Process, and for a warrant. The subject was also charged later with Possession of a Class B Drug. The items that were in her possession and a DVD of the security tape from the business have been placed into evidence.

4:40 pm: Officers responded to an address on Beacon Street for a report of suspicious activity. Upon arrival, the reporting party stated that at approximately 9:30 am he encountered a woman in his home. When questioned she stated that she was there doing an appraisal for a bank. The resident explained he did not do business with the bank she mentioned or know about an appraisal that was being done on his home. The woman stated she may have been mistaken, would delete the pictures she had, and left. The reporting party stated he was getting renovations done to his home, so he thought he might need an appraisal and did not contacted police earlier. Due to the renovations, his home is occupied by construction workers who may have let the woman in. He continued to say that she may have walked into the wrong home as several homes on the street are or sale or being remodeled. He stated he was unable to get any information from the bank about appraisals when contacted. He reported no items of value missing.

5:25 pm: An individual reported to the front desk of the police station that she was a victim of credit card fraud. She stated that she noticed a strange charge on her online bank statement and called her bank to cancel it immediately. She also received an email from the company from which the purchase was made. She noticed the billing address in the email contained her stolen information, but was in a different name and had a different address in Georgia. The individual looked up the name and address and confirmed that the subject owned property at that address. Detective follow-up was requested to try to locate the perpetrator of the fraudulent charges.

7:12 pm: Officers were dispatched to an address on Westbourne Terrace to take a report for the theft of a bicycle. The reporting party stated she had last checked her bicycle on 6/17 when it was locked to a school crossing sign. When she returned on 6/21 the bicycle was missing. She called the station to see if it had been removed by police, but a bicycle matching its description was not in the department database.

1:36 pm: An officer was dispatched to Washington Street/Goodwin Place for a report of an abandoned bicycle. The bicycle was located in the bushes and the serial number was checked in the CIJIS database. It was not found on file and was placed into evidence for safekeeping.  

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