Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Rise in car break -ins

We have had several reported car break -ins over the past four days.
Beacon Street , Circuit Road, Lancaster Road, Green Street

Here are some vehicle safety tips. 
Park in a well-lit, populated area
 Thieves hate a crowd, so park your ride where there are people and other cars around. Don’t let your car be concealed by bigger vehicles, foliage or other obstruction. Also, there are likely to be cameras in busy areas, which may help you get your stuff back if you get ripped off.
 Think this falls into the “duh” category of theft prevention? Think again – authorities say that up to 25% of car break-ins happen when a crook simply tries your handle, finds the door open, opens it and helps him/her. Don’t assist thieves – lock your doors, even if you’re popping into a store for 30 seconds.
Keep the interior  clean
 Take everything out of the cockpit – cups, loose change, magazines, rags – everything. Even if there is an empty shopping bag on the floor, a thief doesn’t know it’s empty until he smashes your window and has a closer look. Your goal is to make thieves move on to the next car, and there isn’t anything less attractive to them than a pristine cockpit.
Stash your valuables out of sight before parking

Of course, you put your camera, laptop or other electronics in the trunk before walking away from your car after parking – but did you ever think someone might see you do it, wait for you to leave, and break into the trunk so they can help themselves? Crooks often linger around parking lots, waiting for opportunity. Secure your valuables before you drive to your destination, or stop a few blocks away from where you’ll park and secure them there.

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