Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Thursday, December 1, 2022

November 21, 2022

Monday, November 14

THEFT - Officers responded to Cypress St for a report, where the reporting party shared that equipment was stolen from a residential property after it was left out overnight.

FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party shared that they discovered someone had fraudulently attempted to redeem their frequent flier miles.

ASSAULT - Officers were called to Beacon St for a report of an altercation between three individuals after they had begun a verbal argument. The parties involved were summonsed to court.

SHOPLIFTING - Officers responded to Commonwealth Av for a report of shoplifting.

CHECK FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party shared that they mailed a check and later discovered it had been altered before prior to being cashed.

Tuesday, November 15

GRAFFITI - Officers took a report of new graffiti on Greenough St.

CHECK FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party shared that they discovered a false check had been cashed from their account.

AUTO PARTS THEFT - Officers took a report of a theft that occurred on Boylston St. The reporting party shared that they left their vehicle in the driveway overnight and discovered the next morning that their catalytic converter had been stolen.

Wednesday, November 16

MV THEFT - Officers responded to Edgehill Rd for a report, where the reporting party shared they left their vehicle unlocked in the driveway and discovered the next morning that it had been stolen. The vehicle has since been recovered.

ID FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party stated they discovered fraudulent charges on their credit card statement.

SCAM - Officers took a report, where the reporting party shared that they responded to an email claiming they owed funds on PayPal. They were instructed to transfer funds to various unknown individuals through a cash app.

FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party stated they discovered fraudulent use of their credit card.

NOISE COMPLAINT - Officers were called to Browne St for a report of loud music late at night. The resident was issued a citation.

Thursday, November 17

SHOPLIFTING - Officers responded to Harvard St for a report of shoplifting. The perpetrator was placed under investigation.

FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party stated that they received an electronic communication that offered to monitor the web for their social security number and that they suspected it to be fraudulent.

AUTO PARTS THEFT - Officers were called to Hammond Pond Pk for a report, where the reporting party shared that they left their vehicle in a residential parking lot and discovered a few days later that their catalytic converter had been stolen.

CHECK FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party shared that they mailed a couple  checks and later discovered they had been altered before prior to being cashed.

ASSAULT - Officers responded to Chapel St for a report of an altercation between two individuals. A male individual reportedly spat at the victim after a verbal argument. The perpetrator was summonsed to court.

MALICIOUS DAMAGE - Officers took a report of damage done to a vehicle that was parked in a lot on Dwight St.

MV THEFT - Officers were called to Harvard St for a report, where the reporting party shared that they left their vehicle locked on the street and discovered an hour later that it was missing.

Friday, November 18

THEFT - Officers took a report of a theft that occurred on Kent St. The reporting party stated a male individual snatched their purse while they were walking down the street. The purse has since been recovered.

GRAFFITI - Officers took a report of new graffiti that was found on Harvard St.

FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party shared that they received a package they had not ordered and contacted the return address. The individual on the phone requested identifying information, as well as a money transfer to resolve the issue.

Saturday, November 19

THEFT - Officers responded to a report of theft that occurred on Centre St. The perpetrator was placed under arrest.

CHECK FRAUD - Officers took a report, where the reporting party shared that they discovered a false check had been cashed from their account.

Sunday, November 20

AUTO PARTS THEFT - Officers were called to Mason Tr for a report, where the reporting party shared that they left their vehicle in their driveway and discovered the next morning that their catalytic converter had been stolen.

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