Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Friday, April 16, 2021

April 13, 2021

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021
FRAUD - Officers responded to a fraud report where a victim had been scammed into purchasing gift cards in various amounts and giving the access codes to the scammer via phone call. Officers are attempting to identify the subject from the phone number. 

FRAUD - Officers responded to an identity theft report where the reporting party claimed that they responded to an advertisement for a job. When the party was contacted about the job, they were asked for pertinent information. When they provided the information, they realized that it could have been a scam and blocked the number that contacted them. They were then contacted again via a communication app and the subject inquired about transferring money. The party blocked that number as well and contacted police and their credit bureaus. 

PACKAGE THEFT - Officers responded to a package theft report on Cypress St. where the victim reported that they received a notification claiming that their package was delivered. Upon returning home from work, there was no package on their porch. Officers are looking for surveillance cameras near the residence. 

PACKAGE THEFT - Officers responded to a package theft report on Englewood Ave. where the victim reported that when they checked the tracking information website, it stated that their package was delivered. When they retrieved their package later that day, it had been opened and the contents were missing. This prompted them to contact police. 

SHOPLIFTING - Officers responded to a shoplifting in progress on Harvard St, where the reported shoplifter had left the store riding on a Blue Bike. Officers spoke to the reporting party who shared that the suspect entered the store and exited with multiple items in their sweatshirt with out paying. Detectives are working on a follow-up with description of the suspect.

Thursday, April 8th, 2021
FRAUD - Officers responded to a fraud report where the victim reported that several unauthorized charges were made on their credit card. The victim was advised to call their bank and file a report with credit bureaus. 

Friday, April 9th, 2021
FRAUD - Officers responded to a fraud report where the reporting party relayed that loans had been filed under their name. They contacted police and the company that issued the loan. 

Saturday, April 10, 2021 
BIKE THEFT- Officers responded to a report for bike theft on Abbotsford Rd. The victim left their bike in their garage the previous day. When they went to their garage today, the bike was gone. The serial number was provided to officers. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021
FOUND PROPERTY - Officers responded to Beacon St. for a "found firearm magazine. The item was left at a restaurant and the owner explained that a patron saw the item on a seat in the lobby. The owner and staff did not touch the item and detectives are collecting finger prints to identify the owner. 

Monday, April 12, 2021
BIKE THEFT- Officers responded to a report of bike theft that happened on Lawton St. where the reporting party shared that they last saw their bike a couple days before when they left it unlocked in a communal room behind their house. This morning, the party received a text from a neighbor stating that they saw someone leaving the driveway while riding the victim's bike. The victim went to the communal room and the bike was missing. Officers have a description and Ring surveillance footage of the suspect. 

PACKAGE THEFT- Officers took a report of past package theft on St. Paul St. where the victim reported that there were three instances where their package had been missing or rummaged through. There are no surveillance cameras near the area. 

FRAUD - Officers responded to a fraud report where a reporting party received a call from someone claiming to be a Homeland Security agent. The "agent" asked the party for their pertinent information and told them to remove money from their bank account. The party realized that the call was most likely a scam and disconnected. 

FRAUD- Officers responded to a fraud report where the reporting party shared that they received a letter from the Department of Unemployment, sharing that their request for relief was accepted. Since they did not request relief, they contacted police. 

FRAUD - Officers responded to a fraud report where the reporting party shared that when looking for an apartment via an app, they had arranged a time to meet with an agent from the app about a potential place. The party already sent an agreed amount for the deposit to hold the apartment. When asked to send more money, the party became skeptical and contacted police. 

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