Note to Readers:
The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Students sent to hospital for signs of hypothermia
Friday, October 28, 2011
Occurred on 10/27 – Pleasant St.
Officers responded for a report of a past Breaking and Entering. The victim stated that he left the apartment this evening at 6:15 PM, and arrived home at 9:45PM. His laptop and electronics were missing, and his bedroom had been rummaged through. His car keys were also missing.
Occurred on 10/27 at 4:58 PM – East Coast Alpine (860 Commonwealth Ave.)
Officers responded to a radio broadcast for a shoplifter who just left East Coast Alpine. The suspect left on foot on Commonwealth Ave heading towards St Paul St, and was described as a white male 5'8"-5'10" wearing an Under Armor hoodie and a backpack. The suspect got onto an outbound MBTA B line train at the corner of St Paul St and Commonwealth Ave.
The manager stated he was coming out of the backroom when he heard a rustling sound coming from the corner of the store. When he went over he saw the suspect stuffing two jackets into a backpack. The manager told the suspect he was going to call the police and asked him to come to the office. The suspect stated "I'm leaving" and left the two jackets in the store. The manager started to follow the suspect out of the store and he was joined by one of his employees. The employee followed the suspect to the T, and he stopped the train. At that time police arrived.
A criminal court application was filed with the Brookline District Court charging the suspect with Larceny of Property over $250.00.
Grove St. Gas station robbed last night
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Occurred on 10/27 at 1:15 AM – Sheafe St.
Officers responded to a radio call for a report of a vehicle playing excessively loud music in a parking lot on Sheafe St. They observed the vehicle parked in the Central Bank parking lot, in a manner not consistent with the designated marked lanes in the lot, but rather parked across several of the marked lines. The engine was running and excessively loud music was coming from inside the vehicle. The interior light of the vehicle was on and a person was sitting in the driver’s seat and appeared to be asleep.
After several knocks by the officers on the window the operator awoke. She was asked what she was doing at this location and she said she was waiting for a guy. She could not provide a name or apartment number for her friend.
Officers detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from her breath and her speech was slurred as she spoke. She was asked to exit her vehicle, and was observed to be unsteady on her feet, and her eyes were glassy and bloodshot. After further investigation, the opinion was formed that the driver was Operating Under the Influence, and was placed under arrest
Occurred on 10/26 – Strathmore Rd.
Officers responded for a reported larceny. The victim stated his gas grill was taken from the rear of the apartment building. He last observed the grill on 10-26-11 at approximately 9:45 AM and then noticed it missing at 7 PM the same day.
B&E of MV:
Occurred on 10/16, Reported on 10/26 – Columbia St.
An officer took a report for a past B&E&L of a motor vehicle. The reporting party stated that he parked his vehicle inside his friend's garage located on Columbia St. around 2 AM on 10/16. He came out that morning at approximately 10:00 AM and noticed that his driver side door, glove compartment, and his trunk were open. A few things were taken, including his owner’s manual and registration.
The owner’s manual and registration were found on the ground next to where a neighbor's bike was stolen that same night. An arrest for a suspect was made in that case on October 17th. A call was received at dispatch for a man breaking into a vehicle in the rear of 78 Monmouth St.
MV Crash:
Occurred on 10/26 at 3:55 PM – Beacon St./Summit Ave.
Officers responded to a report of a two car crash. Vehicle #1 was travelling east on Beacon Street and had the green light at the intersection of Marion Street. MV #2 started to enter onto Beacon Street from the westbound side, across the T tracks. Both vehicles came into contact at the intersection. Officers concluded that the operator of MV#2 failed to stop at the red light and was she was issued a citation.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Occurred on 10/26 – Mason Terrace
Officers responded to Mason Terrace to take a report of a past B&E&L. The victim stated that on Monday 10/24/2011, he left the home around 09:00 AM and returned around 8 PM. Upon returning he noticed that the side door was unlocked, which he found unusual, but believed he must have simply forgotten to lock it. All other doors were secure. This morning, he went around to the back of the house and observed his garage door propped open with a bucket. He further observed that a ladder had been taken from the garage and placed on the ground near the rear windows. Several cutting type tools were also found in the same area beneath the windows, and a storm window had been removed. The windows are covered by a heavy chain link fence-type security screen, and the screen on one of the windows had been cut and pushed in, just enough for a person to squeeze through into the basement.
A credit card was reported missing. The investigation is ongoing.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Rabies Alert In Brookline
Keep children away from wild animals, report any wild animals acting strange or near children to the Police Department 617-730-2222.
Rabies Alert: Rabies Suspected In Brookline Raccoon
Brookline Police Department and Department of Public Health (BDPH) officials report that a raccoon suspected of having rabies recently attacked the pet of a resident in North Brookline during daylight hours. This follows the confirmation that a raccoon which tested positive for rabies was picked up in Jamaica Plain on September 29. The Brookline Health Department is issuing a Rabies Advisory to offer guidance for residents and others concerning rabies in raccoons and other wild animals (particularly skunks, foxes, coyotes and woodchucks) and to stress the importance of avoiding wild or stray animals of any kind.
Rabies is transmitted to humans via bites and/or scratches that may contain the infected animal’s saliva. Anyone who has had direct contact with a rabid animal must immediately seek preventive treatment from their health care provider and notify the Brookline Department of Public Health. Rabies vaccinations consist of a series of shots and could mean the difference between life and death.CONTROL MEASURES
Ø Do not pick up, touch or feed wild or stray animals of any kind. This includes leaving pet food outside for your own animals or other animals. Try not to feed your pet outdoors, and if you do, feed only during daylight hours and supervise your pet while it eats.
Ø Avoid sick or strange-acting animals.
Ø Vaccinate all cats, dogs and ferrets against rabies.
Ø Keep your pet indoors at night. Since raccoons are nocturnal and roam for food in the evening, your pet stands a greater chance of encountering wildlife in the evening than during the day.
Ø Fasten trash can lids tightly. Garbage attracts wild animals.
Ø Make sure your chimneys are securely capped with hardware cloth that has been bolted down. Remember, raccoons have little "hands" that can easily dislodge loose screens or covers. If your chimney is not capped, contact area chimney sweeps or roofing companies to have this done.
Ø Seal openings into houses, garages, etc. For a brochure on critter-proofing your property, contact the Brookline Department of Public Health, 617-730-2300 or visit our website (
Ø If you are bitten or scratched by any animal you should promptly wash the wound(s) with soapy water and see a healthcare provider immediately. Report the incident to the Brookline Department of Public Health.
Ø If your pet is bitten or scratched by another animal, wear gloves when handling or cleaning your pet. Afterwards, wash your hands thoroughly. Report the incident to your veterinarian and to the Brookline Department of Public Health.
Ø Call the Police Department, Animal Control at 617-730-2222 to report the presence of a raccoon or other wild animal that appears sick or is acting strangely.
Ø Children should be taught that all wild animals and strays should be observed from a distance, and that direct contact with any wild or stray animal should be avoided.
B&E of MV:
Occurred on 10/25 at 2:23 AM – Dudley St.
Officers responded to a motor vehicle break in the area. The caller stated that she and her husband were woken up by an audible car alarm sounding in the area. Her husband went outside to investigate and observed a male, approximately 5'7", thin build, dark clothing, attempting to break into his car. The victims reported that the suspect fled through their backyard in the direction of Warren Street.
Multiple police units had been assigned to the area over the course of the last week for the specific purpose of identifying and apprehending the suspect(s) responsible for a series of car breaks in the area. The breaks occurred on Woodland Rd. on 10/12 and twice on 10/18, Bellingham Rd. on 10/13, Walnut Hill Rd. on 10/13, and Newton St. on 10/19.
Upon arrival, an officer announced that she saw a reflective stripe, which appeared to be the back of someone's jacket, running into the backyard of 176 Dudley St. Several police units arrived, and the State Police K-9 Unit was contacted.
While maintaining the perimeter on Dudley Street at Fairmount Street, an officer reported that he heard movement in the leaves. Seconds later he reported seeing a male crouched in the bushes behind a white picket fence at 112 Dudley Street. The suspect was attempting to move a backpack from behind him to in front of him. The officer approached him, and the suspect dropped the backpack and a baseball cap and began to run away, up the incline of the backyard, and over a small rock wall. He then climbed over a dividing fence that separates 94 Dudley St from 112 Dudley St. and disappeared from sight. The officer then heard what sounded like metal hitting the ground directly next to his location, which was later determined to be the fence around the construction site at 90 Dudley Street hitting the ground. Units were advised to maintain their perimeter, as the K9 was approaching.
The State Trooper arrived with his K9 and retrieved the suspect's hat from the bushes for the purpose of deploying the K9. As the dog barked, units on Dudley Street heard footsteps coming from the gravel track of the Reservoir and observed the suspect running on the track, away from the scene, in the direction of Lee Street. Units then engaged in the area, and the suspect was apprehended soon thereafter.
During the booking process, an inventory of the suspect’s items revealed a laptop and an iPod in the backpack. They both had serial numbers, and attempts are being made to determine the rightful owners.
Units canvassed the area for additional breaks. A vehicle parked in a driveway on Dudley St. had a smashed driver's side window, and the victim’s son reported his wallet was missing, which has not been recovered yet. A car in another driveway on Dudley St. was unlocked and appeared to have been rummaged through. Nothing was reported missing from this vehicle. A follow-up is being conducted by detectives.
Occurred between 10/22-10/25 – Brookline Grooming & Pet Supplies (148 Harvard St.)
Officers responded to a report of money missing from the safe. There was no sign of any break into the store.
MV Crash:
Occurred on 10/25 at 8 AM – Harvard St./Aspinwall Ave.
Officers responded to the area for a motor vehicle crash. Vehicle 1 was in the lane designated as a right turn lane or straight ahead lane, and it was making a right turn with the right directional activated. Vehicle 2 pulled up alongside Vehicle 1 in the marked bus stop on the right, attempting to take a right turn as well. Vehicle 1 struck Vehicle 2 as it was making the turn, causing minor damage to Vehicle 1 and significant damage to Vehicle 2. The operator of Vehicle 2 was cited for making an improper turn as it was not in a marked travel lane.
Occurred on 10/24 at 10:54 AM – 654 Brookline Ave.
Officers responded to a 3-vehicle property damage accident in the area of 654 Brookline Avenue. The accident involved a Red Cab, which while attempting to exit a parking space, briefly lost control. It backed into a second parked vehicle, which in turn struck a third parked vehicle. The second and third vehicles were not occupied at the time of the collision. The operator of the cab was cited for failure to use caution in backing from a parking spot.
Animal Bite:
Occurred on 10/24 – Brook St.
Officers responded to the area for a report of a past attack of a domestic cat by a raccoon. The owner of the cat stated that earlier in the day, she had responded to loud noises from her second floor rear porch. She encountered her cat being viciously attacked by a large raccoon, and used a broom to attempt to separate the animals and chase the raccoon away. Both animals fell to the ground, and the raccoon continued to try to get at the cat, which had been severely bitten several times. She was surprised at the aggressiveness of the raccoon and its lack of fear. The cat is currently being kept at the Angel Memorial hospital.
A neighbor stated that he had seen this large raccoon in Linden Park later in the morning. Animal Control and the Brookline Health Department have been notified that a possibly rabid and aggressive animal is in the area.
Monday, October 24, 2011

This suspect was with two other suspects who were arrested for Larceny from a Building, A&B/PO, Resisting Arrest, Poss. Burglarious Tools and Conspiracy to Commit a Felony from 730 and 860 Commonwealth Av in Brookline on 10/20/2011. A Brookline Police Officer and a BU Police Officer sustained minor injuries during this incident. This suspect entered a CVS while officers scuffled with the other suspects outside. He watched through the window, then changed his appearance and walked out past the commotion.
The two individuals arrested were:
Please forward any information to
Detective Michael Raskin:
Email: or W: 617-730-2613 or Cell: 617-429-9762
B&E of MV:
Occurred Overnight, 10/23-10/24 – Tappan St.
Officers responded for a reported breaking and entering of a motor vehicle that had occurred overnight. The victim parked his vehicle at 6 PM for the night, and discovered the driver’s side window smashed at approximately 8 AM today. Nothing appeared to be missing from the vehicle at this time.
The victim reported the alarm went off at 9:30 PM last night, but he did not check on the vehicle.
Occurred Overnight, 10/23-10/24 – University Rd.
Officers responded for a reported breaking and entering of a motor vehicle that had occurred overnight. The driver’s side window was shattered and a GPS was stolen from the passenger compartment of the vehicle.
Malicious Damage:
Occurred on 10/23– Monmouth St.
Officers responded to the area for a report of malicious damage. The victim stated his tires were slashed. He had parked his vehicle at 8 PM on the outside lot of 101 Monmouth, and returned at approximately 10 PM. He observed the tires to be damaged and immediately contacted the police.
None of the other parked vehicles appeared to be damaged.
Occurred on 10/23 at 6 AM – Regal Beagle (308 Harvard St.)
Officers reported to a reported fire alarm at the Regal Beagle Restaurant. Entry into the back stairwell was made, where an odor of smoke was detected. Once inside there was a heavy smoke condition caused by food left on the stove. There were no reported injuries.
Occurred on 10/22 at 2 PM – GPS Wine & Spirit (1198 Boylston St.)
Officers responded to a reported shoplifting at GPS Wine & Spirit. Two black females entered the store, walked around a bit, then left without purchasing anything. A period of time later, the owner walked around the store and was straightening items out when he noticed a sole beer bottle (full) sitting at the end of an aisle amongst hard liquor bottles. He then saw a gap in a shelf of liquor bottles, indicating one was taken from the display. A review of surveillance video revealed the females stealing the missing item as well as other items.
Officers did not recognize the suspects, and wondered if they could be students that go to Pine Manor. Pine Manor security staff was contacted and responded to the liquor store to see if they might recognize the females as students. One of the females was identified and officers furthered the investigation by visiting her dorm for questioning. The second individual was also identified as a student by a detective. The investigation is ongoing.
Road Rage:
Occurred on 10/21 at 12:30 PM – Beacon St./Williston Road
Officers responded to the area for a reported road rage incident involving a knife. The victim informed police that he had been riding his bicycle westbound on Beacon Street in the bike lane when a vehicle that had been parked in front of approximately 1688 Beacon Street abruptly pulled out of its spot and almost hit him. The biker then slapped the trunk area of the vehicle. After doing this, the operator of the vehicle shouted at the victim. The suspect then took a left turn onto Williston Street.
The biker yelled back at the driver, at which point the vehicle stopped and the operator of the vehicle, described as a heavy set (approximately 300lbs) white male, most likely in his 30s, then brandished a knife, which appeared to be a butcher’s or chef’s knife, and shouted back. The biker ceased contact with the driver and contacted police.
Suspicious Activity:
Occurred on 10/20 at Noon – Ronald McDonald house (229 Kent St.)
Officers responded to the area for a suspicious activity report. An employee stated that on October 20th, around 12:00 PM, two subjects arrived and stated that they were representatives from Coca Cola and were there to inspect the vending machine. The following descriptions were given. The first was a black male in his mid to late 20's, 6'0", 180-190lbs, wearing a red Coca Cola sweatshirt, a black skull cap and carrying a clipboard. The second was a light skinned, possibly Asian, female in her mid 20’s, 110-120lbs, wearing a Coca Cola sweatshirt, and carrying a camera.
The employee brought them down to the basement where the machine is located and they began to ask several questions. They wanted to know who kept the key and where it's located. The employee stated that she would have to get that information and left the room. Upon coming back she observed the female taking photos of the machine. She said when she returned, both subjects were startled became extremely nervous. They both then left.
The director of the house spoke to the head of security for Coca Cola (Northeast), and he stated that no one should have been at the house and that they don't take pictures of the machines. He advised the police that there is a ring out of Baltimore that travels up the northeast, including Boston, to break into Coke machines.
There is no further information at this time.