Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tuesday, July 31st

An officer responded to Harvard Street for a report of a package theft.  The reporting party stated that she ordered a package which had been delivered on 7/30/18 at 1:50 PM.  The package was placed in the vestibule of the residence.  The spouse of the reporting party told officers, when he arrived shortly after 4:00 PM he found the package ripped open and the contents removed.  The neighbors had handled the package as well, placing it in the vestibule.  Police are pursuing further inquiry.

Officers reported to Amory Park pursuant to an animal disturbance incident that occurred on 6/23/18 and calls regarding it, following the incident.  The delay in an investigation immediately following the incident was due to a lack of compliance on behalf of the dog owner whose dog made aggressive advances.  The incident involved two persons and their dogs.  A park intern witnessed a dog of Boxer breed pounce on top of another dog of Lab Retriever and Boxer breed mix.  The park intern and numerous dog owners were present when the matter occurred.  The dog owner of the canine aggressor rushed over toward the two dogs and retrieved his dog.  The park intern approached the aggressor’s owner who presented to be uncooperative.  No bites or injuries were reported.  After being briefed on the situation, an officer spoke with the victim’s owner who claimed the other dog attacked her dog five times prior to the reported incident.  No reports were made of these priors and after conducting a system search it was found that the canine aggressor had no record of attacks or biting’s.  The complainant claimed the other dog is aggressive and should not be allowed in the dog program.  She also claimed that there are other victims of attacks by the supposed dog.  After speaking with several dog owners, police were made aware that the aggressing dog has displayed such character toward dogs of smaller size but not his size or larger.  This case is being investigated by Brookline Animal Control.

3:30 PM- A report was made at the station regarding a larceny on Washington Street.  The Brookline resident reported a stolen Razor Scooter.  The scooter was placed in the foyer of the Main Library on 7/31/18 around 3:30 PM.  When the complainant returned to the foyer around 6:15 PM, the scooter was gone.  The scooter was described as a silver and pink Razor Scooter with two wheels and non-motorized.  This case is under investigation, seeking video surveillance.

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