Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Monday, March 25, 2013

Police Reports 3/22-3/24

Sector 2

B&E MV: Between 3/22 and 3/23- Brookline Ave. / Aspinwall Ave.

An individual reported a breaking and entering of a motor vehicle. The victim stated that she parked her vehicle at the intersection of Brookline Avenue and Aspinwall Avenue at approximately 10:00 PM on 3/22. When she returned the following morning she discovered that the front passenger side window had been shattered and that her GPS was missing from the glove compartment.

Sector 4

Arrest: 3/23 at 1:42 AM- Harvard St.

A query of a vehicle’s information revealed that the registration was revoked. The officer conducted a traffic stop on Harvard Street. A query of the driver’s information revealed that he had a default warrant out of West Roxbury District Court. The driver was placed under arrest for the warrant.

Not Duly Licensed: 3/23 at 12:34 PM- Washington St. / Cypress St.

An officer observed a vehicle make an unsafe lane change and cut another motorist off. The officer initiated a traffic stopon Washington Street at the intersection of Cypress Street. A query revealed that the driver did not have a valid license. The driver was placed under arrest for Not Duly Licensed.

Sector 5

Burglary: Between 3/22 and 3/23- Rawson Rd.

A mail carrier reported a smashed first floor window at a residence on Rawson Rd. It was determined that entry was made into the residence and several items of jewelry were missing.

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