Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 15th Police Reports


Occurred between 9PM (7/14) and 9AM (7/15)- 2 Gardner Road

Victim reported sometime over the night his GPS device was stolen from his unlocked vehicle. The GPS device was valued at $800.

Occurred between 12:20PM (7/14) and 12:20PM (7/15)- 112 Gardner Road

Victim reported that sometime over the night someone had rummaged through her unlocked automobile. The contents of the glove box were scattered throughout the vehicle, although no items appeared missing.

Occurred between 10:30PM (7/14) and 8AM (7/15)- 117 Gardner Road

Victim reported that someone had entered his unlocked vehicle over the night. The suspect rummaged through the vehicle eventually making off with a pocket knife and a pair of sunglasses.

Occurred at 12:45PM (7/15)- 19 Englewood Avenue

Victim reported that his passenger’s window to his vehicle was left down, and that someone had stolen his cell phone from the passenger’s seat. The phone was valued at $200.

Malicious Damage

Occurred at 2:36PM (7/15) – 283 Harvard Street

Police responded to the Verizon store where workers reported a belligerent man they just had an encounter with. The suspect entered the Verizon store and became confrontational when the services he wanted could not be provided. The man repeatedly threatened the workers and also smashed a telephone when one of the employees attempted to call police. It appears that during the engagement the man had told the workers his address. Police then went to the address and found a man matching the description of the suspect. He explained that he was the man in the store, and was informed he would be summoned to court for intimidating a witness, malicious destruction of property, threats to commit a crime and trespassing.

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