Note to Readers:

The following information is based on initial reviews of incident reports and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all incidents reported. The blog reports do not include sex crimes, domestic abuse, juvenile information, medical reports, and other sensitive police reports. The blog may differ from local news sources as well as trends reported at

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Crime Report (6/13/07)

  • Occurred at 1:50 p.m. (6/12/07)- 910 Boylston Street
Aaron Eisenberg was arrested and given citations for the following: 1) Failing to Keep Right, 2) Crossing Solid Double Lines, 3) Speeding, 4) Failure to Stop for a Police Officer, 5) Operating to Endanger, 6) Unsafe Turn (right), and 7) Failure to Use Turn Signals.
  • Between 5:00 p.m. (6/11/07) and 2:03 am (6/12/07)- 115 Greenough St
At the above time and location, a security gate in the Brookline High School cafeteria was pried open. Three food cases had been forced open and there were food wrappers scattered on the floor. Storage cabinets and the cash registers were opened, but nothing appeared to be missing. An investigation of the area revealed a broom handle that was most likely used to pry open the security gate.
  • Between 7:00 p.m. (6/11/07) and 8:44 a.m. (6/12/07)- Davis Ave
The victim’s bicycle was stolen from her shed. A witness stated that the night before the victim’s bicycle was stolen; he had observed a suspect in the backyard. The suspect stated that he was only hiding from a friend. At this time, another man had been on a bicycle in the next yard. The witness described the suspect as a Hispanic male, 17 years of age, thin build, with medium to dark skin, and a “corn row” hair style. The other man on the bicycle was described as a black male, approximately 17 years of age, dark skinned, thin to medium build, wearing a white “do rag”.
  • Between 9:00 a.m. (6/6/07) and 12:39 p.m. (6/7/07)- 400 Heath Street
At the above time and location, two LCD projectors were missing from Pine Manor’s anti-theft tether locations inside two Hayden Hall classrooms.
  • Between 10:00 p.m. (6/2/07) and 6:00 a.m. (6/4/07)- 75 Harvard St
Spa Restaurant’s front door lower window panel was smashed.
  • Between 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. (6/12/07)- 49 Highland Road
The right passenger side window of the victim’s vehicle was smashed and a GPS device was missing.

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